Thursday, 10 May 2012

Photo 3 Solutions Booking Fee

Photo 3 Models present themselves as a modelling scam whistleblower, but perhaps the reason they  point and shout so loudly, is because they don't want anybody looking too closely at them.

They warn aspiring models that they shouldn't be paying any upfront fees for a model portfolio shoot, however they state:
We ask for a £75 booking fee to confirm your shoot. 

Why are they doing exactly what they're warning against?

Because taking a booking fee for a photoshoot is absolutely standard practice, to guard against the loss of earnings and costs incurred from no-shows.

So, what is their position? Do they think that taking a deposit is bad practise or not? And if they do, why are they doing it?



  1. It also makes me wonder...If you want to be fair, take off the booking fee!

  2. £75 fee to get a photoshoot and pay for photos similar to their website? No, thank you!

  3. It really makes me wonder what's the point of all their blogging? It makes them feel better?
